Tag: training

Eject! Eject! Eject! – Potential for Ejection Injuries

There are different phases of ejection, with potential for injury to the pilot. Sequentially, these phases are – (a) Canopy separation/ fragmentation; (b) Egress; (c) Ram Air/ Wind blast; (d) Wind drag deceleration; (e) Free fall; (f) Parachute deployment, and (g) Landing. As per the phase of ejection, a pilot can sustain various injuries with spinal injury being the commonest. 

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Eject! Eject! Eject! – Biodynamics of Ejection

The force moving an ejection seat must be sufficient to enable it to clear the tail of the disabled aircraft. To achieve this, the seat must accelerate from zero velocity to about 12.2 to 24.4 m/sec (40 to 80 ft/sec). This gives a rapid rate of rise of acceleration or jolt factor, which must remain …

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Eject! Eject! Eject! – An Ejection Seat

An ejection seat is a rigidly constructed metallic seat, which is forcibly ejected from the aircraft cockpit by means of an explosive charge. 

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Eject! Eject! Eject! – Escape from an Aircraft

Escape from a crippled aircraft, be it a commercial aircraft, full of passengers, or a combat aircraft with one or two aircrew, ensuring a safe exit is the first and the paramount step towards survival. Unlike the combat aircraft with its ejection seats, transport aircraft, helicopter and most of the training aircraft, except jets, do …

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Spatial Disorientation – Vestibular Illusions

The vestibular illusions are divided as per the affected sub-system viz. otolith organ or semicircular canals. Though there are many an illusions, only the common vestibular illusions have been briefly discussed.

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