Fatigue is the cost of correctly performed Anti-G straining manoeuvre (AGSM) to fight against the +Gz forces during air combat. Being an isometric exercise, akin to a 50 or 100 m race or weight lifting, the muscles maintain sustained contraction during AGSM to generate energy anaerobically. Thus time “to fatigue” and of “fatigue recovery” determine …
Category: Military Aviation Medicine
Protection against the ‘G’
Average relaxed ‘G’ tolerance of combat aircrew varies between 4 to 5G, although the range may be 3 to 8G. Yet, one must note there are large individual variations in G tolerance and even in the same individual, the tolerance may vary on different days or different times of the day. It is here that …
G-LOC – Then and Now…
16 September 2011. Reno, Nevada saw the tragic crash of a P-51Mustang [1] during the Reno Air Races. The findings of the National Transportation Safety Board suggests that the pilot had lost consciousness due to ‘overwhelming’ G forces [2]. This occurrence in a modified 1940’s vintage aircraft is no surprise, considering its high thrust to …
NVG: Why the Neck Pains?
An informal query on a professional forum whether helicopter pilots suffer from neck pain while using NVG (1), a small group chose to share their thoughts and concerns. Eight of the respondents affirmed that they had discomfort or pain, including disc prolapse and pressure on the nerves as reported by one pilot each. However, there …
NVG: Pain in the Neck!
Use of Night Vision Goggle (NVG) amongst helicopter aircrew is becoming a matter of concern [1]. On one hand, the pain in the neck is reportedly 29% amongst Australian helicopter aircrew [2], while it peaks to more than 90% Canadian Forces helicopter pilots with more than 150 hours of NVG flight [3]. Other likely causes …